Informasjon er oppdatert av NMBU - Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet
18. januar 2024.
Om studiet
Why study Aquaculture?
- The aquaculture industry requires you with a higher education that can further improve biological and economic growth, fish welfare and production technology
- The aquaculture industry is the fastest groving food sector
- It is a new industry with great potential; driven by innovation
What will I learn?
The programme gives you broad and interdisciplinary strength or
specialisation in subjects of your choice.
From courses we offer in fish breeding and genetics, fish nutrition, product quality and planning and design of aquacultural plants, you will get insight and knowledge about how those components/factors affects the effectiveness of production and influence the economical yield.
Professional prospect
Manager in the fish farming industry, quality control,
governmental or extension positions, developing new aquaculture
species, managing breeding programs, sales or administration. The
Master degree is also a stepstone to an academic career.
Undervisning ved institusjonen