
Studieform: Nettstudium
Søknadsfrist: 20. august

Informasjon er oppdatert av Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge

24. april 2024.

Om studiet

Are you a refugee living in Norway, in the vicinity of USN’s campuses? Are you interested in applying for higher education at USN, but need to improve your English?


Unfortunately we are not able to offer the course in the spring semester 2024. We are hopeful that the course will be available again in the autumn of 2024. Please keep an eye on this website in August.

Online lectures

The course will be offered online, with a duration of 17 weeks, consisting of one 1-hour real-time online meeting per week (via zoom), home assignments, and 3-10 hours of self-study each week.


Applicants must meet the general requirements for studying in Norway: The GSU-list from Nokut (except for the language requirements).

The course is for newly arrived refugees living in the vicinity of USN`s campuses.

You need the level of B1 to enter the course. 

There will be rolling admission until the course is full.


Studiet er søkbart fra 27.06.2023 til 20.08.2023.