Informasjon er oppdatert av Universitetet i Oslo

Om studiet
An advanced curriculum on energy law, from wellhead to burner tip, designed and structured specifically for legal professionals in the energy sector. The programme is a part-time LL.M offered jointly by the Universities of Groningen (the Netherlands), Oslo (Norway), Aberdeen (United Kingdom) and Copenhagen (Denmark).
Energy law is a relatively new discipline and governs the entire energy chain. It includes all legislation and regulation applying to the production, transmission and supply of energy, the promotion of renewable energy sources as well as the need to secure energy supply.
The energy sector and its legal framework are heavily impacted by ongoing processes such as liberalization, globalization and climate change. The “North Sea Energy Law Programme” (NSELP) aims to address these changes and to provide its students with adequate expertise of all relevant aspects of energy law.
Connections with the energy sector
The programme will have strong connections with both the energy sector (industries and governments) and the faculties of law and energy law of the partner universities. It aspires to set a standard for the discipline of energy law within the broader setting of the North Sea area.
Study at different partner universities
NSELP is a two-year 90 EC executive master’s programme in English. Each student follows four consecutive courses, provided by and held at the partner universities. Each course consists of a "block", an intensive teaching period of two weeks:
- Block 1: Electricity and Gas: Liberalising and Regulating the Market - University of Groningen
- Block 2: Upstream Oil and Gas law: Public and Contractual Law Aspects - University of Oslo
- Block 3: Energy Investments, Trade and Security - University of Aberdeen
- Block 4: Green Energy, Climate and Sustainable Development - University of Copenhagen
The two-week teaching periods held at the premises of the participating universities provide a unique opportunity to get acquainted with fellow students, professionals from the energy sector, and the teachers, both academics and practitioners. All courses/blocks are compulsory.
Read more about the programme structure
The final part of the programme is devoted solely to the thesis.