
Universitetet i Bergen
Erfaringsbasert master
Studieform: Nett- og samlingsbasert, samlingsbasert
Studietempo: Deltid

Informasjon oppdatert

17. oktober 2023.

Om studiet

This course provides a better appreciation of the nature of human rights violations that can be linked to corporate activity, regardless of corporate intent. The course does this by examining the ethical and legal standards, duties, and expectations of companies.

Focus will be on the dilemmas of operating in a space where local standards and rules may vary from and sometimes contradict global standards or policies. Furthermore, the course will explore emerging initiatives in order to deal with human rights and business, and assess the effectiveness of voluntary corporate codes of conduct.

This course is organized by the Institute for Human Rights and Business (IHRB) and the Rafto Foundation, in co-operation with the Department of Comparative Politics.


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