Informasjon er oppdatert av NMBU - Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet

Om studiet
Why study International Environmental Studies?
- You are concerned about the environmental challenges of our time.
- You believe environmental solutions require combining natural and social sciences.
- You want qualifications to contribute to sustainable development internationally.
What will I learn?
Students will learn about causes and effects of global environmental problems related foremost to climate change, loss of biodiversity, desertification, water availability and land degradation.
The programme focuses on of the different ways how environmental change and nature-society interactions can be understood and studied, and in particular how we respond and manage change.
The programme gives an in-depth understanding of how governance structures and power relations influence current trends and options for achieving more sustainable development pathways.
Roles of international political bodies, national states and state policies, markets and civil society are emphasized.
Poverty alleviation and health issues are also core aspects of sustainable development with strong links to environmental qualities.
What can you use this qualification for?
The programme qualifies for work in national and international agencies, national and local government administrations and environmental organizations.
It also qualifies for jobs in development aid agencies, education, research institutions, media, consulting companies and international firms.
Read more about Master of Science in International Environmental Studies