
Om studiet

Study Norwegian language and culture in a genuine environment and make friends from all over the world. Norwegian classes are combined with specialisation in one of the school's other field

You can choose between two options

Option 1: 
Norwegian Language and Culture is your main course during the whole schoolyear. 
We strive to give every student challenges on their level, based on their background and goals. A variety of teaching methods are used, and the teacher encourages you to build awareness on what are your best ways to learn and develop. 

Option 2:
Your main course is based on your field of interest (music, art, sports, creative subjects) and you will be together with Norwegian students, and learning Norwegian will be an additional subject.
This option is the ultimate combination to get you from a beginners level to a conversational level much faster, because you spend time on a activity that you love, together with other norwegian speaking students. 

Please read more about Norwegian Language and Culture here at our website! 

Opptak til studiet

Folkehøgskolene starter opptaket 1. februar hvert år.