
Om studiet

Want to get back in touch with your norwegian ancestors, explore the north part of Norway or just wish to learn a new language? Here, at our school you need no prior knowledge of Norwegian.


You choose one of the major subjects and follow this among norwegian students, but in addition you have five lessons a week with norwegian language. We offer major subjects within these areas:

  • 100% Hunting
  • Arctic Bushcraft
  • Arctic tourism - Svalbard
  • Dog sledding and outdoor life
  • Adventurer - Wilderness

Teaching takes place not only in the classroom, but students are also involved in long and short study tours where they can practice their language and also gain an insight into Norwegian society. 


Students will take part in cultural events at school and in the community. Students on the Norwegian line are integrated with the Norwegian students at the school. They live together in dormitories and socialise with the other students in their free time. A strength of our school is our international community between young people from different countries.

For more information visist our website at Pasvik Folkehøgskole

Opptak til studiet

Folkehøgskolene starter opptaket 15. november hvert år.