Informasjon er oppdatert av UiT Norges arktiske universitet
8. januar 2024.

Om studiet
Studiet Musikkutøving - master retter seg mot studenter innen et bredt utvalg av instrumenter og sjangere innen klassisk, rytmisk og elektronisk musikk. Den faglige bredden i studieprogrammet gir mulighet for stor grad av dialog og faglig utveksling på tvers av sjangere og uttrykk. Som student får du mulighet til å videreutvikle dine instrumentale og musikalsk ferdigheter, din kunstneriske profil og å styrke evnen til kunstnerisk refleksjon og selvstendighet. Du får mulighet til å fordype deg i ett eller flere selvvalgte temaer knyttet til ditt eget virke som musiker. Erfaring i å utøve musikk på̊ høyt nivå̊, kombinert med refleksjon over ditt eget kunstnervirke, gir deg økt bevissthet om prosesser og arbeidsmetoder som kjennetegner kunstnerisk utviklingsarbeid. Her finner du norsk beskrivelse av Musikkutøving - master -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The study programme Master in Music Performance offers students a broad choice of instruments and genres within classical, popular, and electronic music. This breadth in the programme means it is possible for students to engage in dialogue and professional growth across genres and musical expression. Students on the programme develop their instrumental and musical competencies, and their artistic profile, and strengthen their abilities in artistic reflection and independence. You will have the chance to deepen your knowledge in one or several topics of your choice related to your own musical and artistic profile. The experience you will gain from performing music at a high level, combined with reflection over your artistic work, will give you an increased awareness of the processes and working methods that make up artistic research.
The programme's aim is to develop students' performance abilities and artistic profile, and to strengthen their competences in artistic reflection and independence. Through their own master's project, students will develop their knowledge in one or more areas of their choice through their own role as a performer.
Through experience of high-level music performance and reflection over their role as a performer students will develop a deeper awareness of the processes and methods that are typical of artistic research.
Instruction in artistic research theories and methodologies will strengthen students' aesthetic reflections.
The faculty and staff at the Academy of Music are engaged and internationally active musicians, researchers, and pedagogues. Students are at the centre of our work, and your will have access to the faculty’s wide range of specialisations in genre and performance practices. In the second year of the programme there are funds available for travel and lessons with external colleagues who are relevant for your project.
The programme is full time and takes place in Tromsø.
The programme consists of individual teaching and supervision, group work, seminars, projects, and masterclasses. Parts of the theory teaching will take place as lectures. The majority of the student's study time will be spent on practising and the development of their masters project.
Most modules are assessed as pass/fail and some as A-F.
Possible examination and assessment formats include practical exams, oral exams, home exams and portfolio assessment.
Bachelor degree in music performance or other equivalent qualification with at least 80 credits of performance specialisation on the applicant's main instrument, and a letter of motivation. In addition there will be an entrance exam consisting of a performance audition and an interview.
Bachelor degree in music performance or other equivalent qualification with at least 80 credits of performance specialisation on the applicant's main instrument, and a letter of motivation. In addition, there will be an entrance exam consisting of a performance audition and an interview including presentation of the draft for the master's project.
Non-EU students must be prepared to pay tuition fees, more information here
After completing the programme the student will have the following competences:
- ability to analyse and discuss their artistic intentions in relation to music historical, traditional, stylistic, aesthetic, cultural, and societal concerns
- ability to evaluate, realise, and convey their artistic intentions with a clear profile
- ability to display independence in relation to high-level artistic challenges by initiating, carrying out, and leading different projects
- ability to apply their acquired knowledge to broaden their musical perspective and carry out independent artistic research
- ability to create, realise, and convey their personal intentions at a high artistic level
- make use of artistic research theories
- ability to reflect over and defend their choices of methods and processes in their own artistic research
- ability to plan and carry out artistic research
General competences:
- ability to analyse and critically employ artistic research materials in their own work
- ability to contribute to the development and innovation of musical life and the music industry
- ability to communicate orally and in writing with the music community and in the public sphere
- ability to identify relevant ethical problems and display a high degree of professional integrity
Through the master in music performance students will acquire competences and qualifications for work as professional performers both within artistic and cultural institutions, and as freelancers.
The programme can also form part of a study programme together with the graduate programme in teacher training (PPU) which will provide teaching competences and qualifications for employment as a music teacher in schools, community music schools, upper secondary schools, and in further and higher education institutions.
Students can apply to undertake an exchange in the 3rd semester.
UiT The Arctic University of Norway has exchange agreements with institutions in the Nordic countries and in Europe through the Nordplus and Erasmus programmes.