Informasjon er oppdatert av Universitetet i Bergen
31. januar 2023.

Om studiet
Study with us, and you will get in-depth understanding of global development processes through critical evaluation of relevant theories and the contexts of sustainable human development. You can choose between a specialisation in Health Promotion or Gender in Global Development. Our master's programme also gives you the unique opportunity to choose between a 60 ECTS Master's Thesis or a one semester's internship and a 30 ECTS Master's Thesis.
The aim of this master's programme is to train advanced professionals in the field of Global Development Theory and Practice with specialisation in either health promotion or gender in global development. The overarching objectives for both specializations are to provide the students with in-depth understanding of:
Global development through critical evaluation of relevant theories; integration of human rights and social justice; appraisal of global governance and the politics of aid; and assessment of impact of climate change on sustainable development.
The practice of development, including policy and programme planning, implementation and evaluation at the levels of local organisations and communities, municipalities and states, national and international cooperation projects.
The contexts of sustainable human development including culture, international cooperation and physical environment.
Specialisation in health promotion
The aim of this specialisation is to give the student expertise in health promotion theory and practice in the context of global development. The general approach of all aspects of the health promotion specialisation is a resource-based perspective. The specialisation includes the 10 ECTs module on Foundations of Health Promotion for Development and either a 60 ECTs thesis researching a health promotion subject or 30 ECTs internship plus 30 ECTs thesis on a health promotion topic.
Specialisation in gender in global development
The aim of this specialisation is to give the students expertise in gender and feminist analysis and enable them to take a critical and reflective perspective on the significance of gender in the context of global development. Focus is put on gendered power relations and vulnerabilities as well as processes of empowerment and social change. The specialisation includes the 10 ECTs module on Gender Analysis in Global Development - Core Perspectives and Issues and either a 60 ECTs thesis researching a gender and global development subject or 30 ECTs internship plus 30 ECTs thesis on a gender and global development topic.
In both specialisations, qualitative or quantitative research methods will be taught, and may be used by students depending on thesis topics. Some students undertake thesis research that is part of the Advisor's research activities. Research ethics is an integral part of learning.
A Master's degree in Global Development Theory and Practice gives the candidate broad competence in the development field, and qualifications for employment in a broad spectrum of local, regional, nation and international development aid organisations (the UN, national development agencies and NGOs), as well as in different parts of national and local public administration. All students who complete the programme satisfactorily will be qualified for public and private positions that require entry-level skills in development programme planning, implementation and evaluation, related to their specialisation in either health promotion or gender and development. Graduates of the programme will have demonstrated skills in interdisciplinary teamwork and will know how to build, participate in and manage teams with members from different professional backgrounds, and from community organisations. Graduates will also be qualified to work as research assistants both in industry and in the public sector. Students with superior performance in the programme may be qualified for further academic work, including doctoral study.