
NMBU Campus Ås
Master, 2 år

Informasjon er oppdatert av NMBU - Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet


Om studiet

Why International Development Studies?

  • You want to learn about the challenges facing developing countries.
  • You want to study in an international environment and experience a developing country.
  • You want to contribute towards poverty reduction and a sustainable world.

What will I learn?

  • You will gain a solid grounding in the concepts, theory and practice of international development. You will learn a nuanced understanding of the concept and meaning of development.
  • You will learn about conditions for human development at the local and global levels, as well as the relationships between development and ecological processes.
  • You will learn to understand the connections political and economic processes in the north and south.
  • You will learn the necessary analytical and practical skills to work in the field of international development.

What can you use this qualification for?

Although not a vocational degree, students find employment in a wide range of national and international institutions, government agencies, non-governmental development organizations, multilateral and bilateral aid organizations, businesses and research and teaching institutions.


Master of Science in Global Development Studies

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