Informasjon er oppdatert av UiT Norges arktiske universitet
8. januar 2024.

Om studiet
Are you passionate about delving deep into the fascinating realms of manufacturing systems, automation, robotics, 3D-printing, and virtual reality? Look no further! Our prestigious 2-year M.Sc program in Industrial Engineering is your gateway to a world of comprehensive knowledge, skills, and competences in the creation, analysis, and management of advanced industrial systems and organizations. ------------------------------------------------ Har du lyst til å dykke dypt inn i de fascinerende områdene innen produksjonssystemer, automatisering, robotikk, 3D-utskrift og virtuell virkelighet? Vårt prestisjetunge 2-årige masterprogram i industriell teknologi er din vei til en verden av omfattende kunnskap, ferdigheter og kompetanse innen utvikling, analyse og styring av avanserte industrielle systemer og organisasjoner. Her finner du norsk beskrivelse av Industriell teknologi, sivilingeniør - master
A Master of Science degree in Industrial Engineering will provide students with the knowledge and capabilities to use appropriate techniques, skills, and tools to identify, formulate, analyze, and solve complex problems in both engineering and management. With normal progress, a student will be able to obtain a master degree after two years, corresponding to 120 credits. If the student wants to combine the master study with work in an external company, it is possible to extend the program to three or four years. A customized education plan will then be suggested. After finishing this education, students will have a solid foundation to enter a variety of positions at global base. The typical positions are senior engineer, project managers, developers, consultants, managers and researchers. Many of our former students are holding managerial or senior research positions in public organizations or private companies.
What sets our program apart is its unwavering commitment to sustainability, resilience, and human-centered systems and technologies. As a student, you'll have exclusive access to state-of-the-art manufacturing equipment, including Robots, Cobots, Autonomous vehicles, Hybrid and metal printers, Virtual and augmented reality systems, and much more.
Historically, our M.Sc program has attracted a diverse and dynamic cohort of students from around the globe. They have excelled in both management and advanced technical engineering roles, making them highly sought-after in the job market. Join us on this transformative journey, where innovation and excellence meet to shape the future of industrial engineering. Apply now to become a part of our vibrant community of aspiring leaders!"
Refresher course:
In Week 33 a two-days refresher course in linear algebra is
offered. In this course, central concepts and methods from
previous linear algebra courses will be repeated. Experiences
from previous years are that students who participate in this
refresher course benefit greatly from this in SMN6190 Linear
Algebra II.
All teachings in this programme are in English.
The programme involves lectured courses, as well as a high degree
of problem-based education (i.e. learning-by-doing), where the
students spend their time working on relevant projects under
supervision of a highly qualified staff. The projects are
concerned with relevant topics within the field of industrial
Form of assessment
Through the two-year master’s programme of Industrial Engineering, students are evaluated in both theoretical knowledge and engineering skills. This evaluation is based on written or oral exams, in addition to written reports and presentation of project results. The programme aims at being international and research-based, and the students will therefore acquire state-of-the-art competence in both technology and management.
Mandatory safety training in health, security and environment (HSE)
All students must complete mandatory safety training before they are allowed access and given permission to work in laboratories, workshops and the like. This also goes for participation in fieldwork/research cruises and similar. Please contact your immediate supervisor for the list of mandatory courses.
Bachelor degree in Engineering programme in mechanical, electrical power, electronics, mechatronics, material science, industrial engineering, process engineering or other equivalent majors with minimum 25 credits mathematics, 5 credits statistics and 7,5 credits physics topics.
Admission requirements:
Bachelor degree in Engineering programme in mechanical, electrical power, electronics, mechatronics, material science, industrial engineering, process engineering or other equivalent majors.
In addition, the following requirements must be met:
• minimum 25 credits in mathematics (equivalent to Mathematical Methods 1, 2 og 3)
• 5 credits in statistics
• 7,5 ects i physics on a higher level is required.
The requirement for physics can be covered by 7.5 credits in physics, building physics, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics and/or mechanics of materials.
Applicants from within the Nordic countries:
The application deadline is 15. april - application code 4602
The study is 2 years long, but with the possibility of an arranged course over 4 years for Norwegian/Nordic applicants.
If you don't have enough mathematics and/or physics to qualify for the master's degree, you can take one of these courses in the first semester at UiT in Narvik: TEK-2800 Mathematics 3 (5 ects) and/or TEK-2801 Physics 2 (5 ects)
Applicants from outside the Nordic countries:
Applicants with education from non-Nordic countries must document English language proficiency. You will find more information of English language requirements ++here: https://en.uit.no/admission#v-pills-735946
Non-EU students must be prepared to pay tuition fees, more information here
The application deadline is
November 15th for non-EU/EEA applicants
(application code 9007)
1 March for EU/EEA + Swiss applicants
(application code 7142).
You will find more information about international admission here.
Søkere fra Norge/nordiske land:
- Søknadfrist er 15. april for opptak til høstsemesteret - Søking via UiTs søknadsweb, søknadskode 4602
Studiet er 2-årig, men med mulighet for tilrettelagt løp over 4 år.
Opptakskrav Industriell teknologi, sivilingeniør - master:
Bachelorgrad i ingeniørfag eller tilsvarende innen fagområdene mekanisk, elektrisk kraft, elektronikk, mekatronikk, materialvitenskap, industriell ingeniørfag, prosessingeniør eller andre tilsvarende hovedfag.
I tillegg må følgende krav være oppfylt:
Det kreves minimum
- 25 studiepoeng i matematikk,tilsvarende Matematikk 1, 2 og 3
- 5 studiepoeng i statistikk
- 7,5 fag i fysikk på høyere nivå.
Kravet til fysikk kan dekkes av 7,5 studiepoeng i fysikk, bygningsfysikk, fluidmekanikk, termodynamikk og/eller fasthetslære.
Har du for lite matematikk og/eller fysikk for å kvalifisere til siv.ing/master i teknologi, kan du ta ett av disse emnene i første semester ved UiT i Narvik: TEK-2800 Matematikk 3 (5 stp) og/eller TEK-2801 Fysikk 2 (5 ects)
Spørmål om opptak kan rettes til: admission@hjelp.uit.no
The aim of the program Industrial Engineering is to provide the students with knowledge, skills and general competence in Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing, Industrial Robotics, Optimization, Data Management, Computer Integrated and Virtual Manufacturing, Lean Six Sigma, Project Management, Production Logistics, and Supply Chain Management. Students will develop action skills to meet the needs and challenges of both private and public sectors. In addition, students will develop sustainable development thinking and understand data security issues in digital manufacturing and logistics processes.
K1: Has broad knowledge within the academic field of mathematics, physics and engineering, and specialized and relevant knowledge within the field of industrial engineering.
K2: Has thorough knowledge of the different theories and methodologies that enhance industrial enterprise performance from a holistic perspective.
K3: Has specialized knowledge on different industrial processes especially related to manufacturing and relevant technologies, concepts and systems such as robotics, CAD/CAM, CIM, virtual manufacturing, manufacturing logistics, supply chain management, operations research, quality management & improvement (Lean Six Sigma), project management as well as new development within the academic field of industrial engineering.
K4: Has broad knowledge on the history, traditions, distinctive character and place in society of the academic field of industrial engineering.
S1: Can analyse and deal critically with various sources of information and use them to structure and formulate scholarly arguments.
S2: Can use existing theories and interpretations in the field of industrial engineering, work systematically and team oriented on practical and theoretical problems.
S3: Can use relevant methods in industrial engineering to perform research and development work in an independent and team-oriented manner.
S4: Can carry out an independent, limited research or development project within the field of industrial engineering under supervision and in accordance with applicable norms for research ethics.
GC1: Can analyse relevant academic, professional and research ethical problems as an engineer and/or a manager.
GC2: Can apply the knowledge and skills within industrial engineering in order to carry out advanced assignments and projects, both as a team member and a project leader.
GC3: Can communicate about academic issues, analysis and conclusions in the field of industrial engineering by using the terminology in the field to communicate with both specialists and the common public.
GC4: Can contribute to new thinking and innovation processes by using the knowledge from the methods and theories in industrial engineering.
GC5: Can contribute to developing sustainable operations in manufacturing and logistics with the knowledge and methods of industrial engineering.
GC6: Can understand and contribute to enhancing the data and information security in digital manufacturing and logistics processes.
With a M.Sc. degree in Industrial Engineering, you will have excellent job opportunities as the study equips you with a comprehensive set of knowledge in dealing with technical and managerial challenges, and our alumni work as project designers, engineers, consultants, production managers, researchers, and project managers in the following industries:
- Manufacturing
- Oil and gas
- Business consulting
- Transportation
- Logistics and shipping
- Research and development
The students have great possibilities to take some parts of the study programme at other universities abroad, especially in connection with the final master thesis. UIT Narvik has active collaborations with other universities in countries like China, Japan, USA, Hungary, Sweden, Germany and Spain.