Informasjon oppdatert
2. februar 2024.

Om studiet
A master's degree in biotechnology is a gateway to stimulating, challenging and lucrative jobs within a rapidly growing bioeconomy. You can contribute to smart solutions that secure future sustainable development, and become eligible for admission to various PhD programmes.
Biotechnology represents the utilization of living organisms, encompassing plant cells, animal cells, microorganisms, and the biomolecules derived from them. These elements combine to forge the path towards developing novel products and services. This field of science is at the forefront of crafting sustainable solutions for the impending bioeconomy, with a dedicated focus on enhancing food production, healthcare, and environmental stewardship.
In the first year of our master's degree program, students engage in coursework at the master's level, immersing themselves in our primary areas of experimental interest. These encompass areas such as cellular and reproductive biotechnology, molecular and functional genetics/genomics, bioinformatics, and biodiscovery. Notably, this comprehensive curriculum also includes a course in biotechnology commercialization, equipping students with a holistic understanding of the field.
To cater to students with a bachelor's in biomedical laboratory science (bioingeniørfag), we offer the flexibility to substitute up to two courses with alternative courses focused on laboratory medicine. This adaptability ensures that our master's program accommodates diverse educational backgrounds, fostering a multidisciplinary approach in graduates who emerge adept at tackling multifaceted biotechnological challenges. As a result, our students are well-prepared to navigate the complex landscape of biotechnology with skill and expertise, making substantial contributions to the industry and society.
Studiets oppbygging
The master study programme comprises two years of full-time study (120 ECTS credits) that may be completed part-time. The programme comprises 60 credits of compulsory courses and 60 credits of master's thesis. Students with a bachelor in biomedical laboratory science (bioingeniørfag) can apply to include up to two courses within laboratory medicine (total of 20 ECTS credits) offered by other institutions as part of the study programme. These courses will then replace the courses BIO4100 Bioeconomy and Biobusiness and/or BIO4105 Bioproduction and Biorefining Technology.
The courses are taught on campus Hamar in semesters 1 and 2 of the study. BIO4102 Methods in Cell biology and Reproductive Biotechnology and BIO4104 Methods in Molecular Biology are theoretical methodology courses, while BIO4106 Experimental Cell and Molecular Biology is the practical counterpart of these courses. The master thesis is completed in semesters 3 and 4. A minimum of 45 ECTS of the coursework in the study programme must be completed before the start of the master thesis project. The master's thesis consists of an independent project work within the field of biotechnology or biomedical science. This project work will normally be linked to ongoing research activity at the department. During the master thesis, students will learn to work systematically within a specific area and also learn to acquire detailed knowledge and skills through practical work and literature study. The deadline for submitting the master thesis is June 1 in the fourth semester.
In order for the students to achieve the learning outcomes, a number of different teaching and learning methods are used, such as lectures, seminars, in-class activities, group work, laboratory and computer exercises, excursions, case studies, written exercises, independent laboratory work and writing of the master thesis. Introductory lectures and practical learning exercises in the laboratory or on the computer are followed by hand-in assignments. The different learning methods used in each course are described in the individual course descriptions.
A full-time study involves a work effort of 37.5 - 45 hours per week.
Bachelor's degree or equivalent completed education with a specialization of at least 80 credits. One of the following requirements must be fulfilled to qualify for admission to the programme:
- An education corresponding to 3 years of study at the university level in biotechnology, biomedical laboratory science (bioingeniørfag), biochemistry, molecular biology, cell biology, bioscience or similar.
- BSc in Food Technology
- BSc in Bioinformatics
- BSc in computer science or machine learning (with a major in life sciences data analysis)
- BSc in other related areas may be considered on an individual basis
Your degree from higher education must fulfill the following requirements:
- The equivalent of at least 80 ECTS credits in natural sciences and mathematics, with a solid foundation in chemistry and biology.
- A course in biochemistry, as well as a course in Molecular biology, each corresponding to at least 5 ECTS, must be included, with a minimum grade of C.
- A minimum average grade of D for the 80 ECTS credits
Students lacking molecular biology coursework may qualify for molecular biology thesis work by completing a Bachelor-level molecular biology course at INN University within the first semester.
English Language requirements
Applicants must document their proficiency in English at a certain level.
The English language requirements applies to all except applicants native to UK, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, Australia or the nordic countries, who do not require to document any language proficiency.
You will find the list of accepted courses and minimum scores accepted here.
The candidate
- has advanced knowledge within the academic field of biotechnology
- has advanced knowledge of methods and principles used in life science laboratories such as in gene technology, cell biology, and bioprocess engineering
- has knowledge about the commercialization of biotechnology to develop marketable products based on promising research results
- has advanced knowledge about the analysis of biological data using bioinformatics, machine learning, programming and biostatistics
The candidate
- can employ an advanced cross-disciplinary approach to address biotechnological challenges
- has thorough hands-on laboratory experience in biotechnology methodology
- can analyze and critically reflect on ethical problems involving biological organisms, environmental challenges, United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and data privacy.
- can plan, conduct and evaluate an independent scientific study, using relevant theory, methods, and analytic approaches within the specialized field of biotechnology, including statistical methods and bioinformatics
- can effectively communicate scientific results.
The candidate
- can disseminate scientific results and information to the general public and experts by writing well-structured reports and contributions for scientific publications and posters, and by oral presentations.
- can work both independently and in groups on complex projects that require collaboration.
- can apply his/her knowledge and skills in new areas in order to carry out advanced assignments and projects
- can communicate extensive independent work and masters language and terminology of the academic field
- can contribute to new thinking and innovation processes within the field of biotechnology and biomedical science
A Master’s degree in Applied Biotechnology and Biomedical Sciences from our programme qualifies for work in research, development, production and diagnostics laboratories, both nationally and internationally. The graduates are well suited to work in public and private domains, including biomedical laboratories and biotech industries related to agriculture and aquaculture, food production, and pharmaceutic development. In addition, public and private regulatory authorities as well as the consultancy industry also need people with a background in biotechnology.
Completing the MSc degree is a qualification for study at PhD level at INN or other Norwegian or international universities.
The biotechnology master's study programme is entirely taught in English, allowing for international and local applicants. The entire curriculum is in English. The students are recruited globally, resulting in an international student environment. Natural science is an international-oriented subject. The professors at the department engage in international collaborations and the students are invited to contribute to these collaborative projects. If relevant for the master thesis and ongoing research projects, students may visit international research collaborators.