Erfaringsbasert master
Informasjon er oppdatert av Høgskolen i Molde – Vitenskapelig høgskole i logistikk

Om studiet
Organizations rely on successful digitalization to drive innovation and adapt to a more sustainable future. This master's program equips professionals in both public and private sectors with the competence to apply digital technologies effectively. As the business environment becomes increasingly digitized and globalized, the program offers expertise in areas such as Business Processes and ERP, Digital Communication with Customer Experience and Relationships, Advances in Digital Business Management, Blockchain for Businesses, IoT System Applications for Creating Smart, Safe, and Sustainable Workplaces, Applied Artificial Intelligence, Generative AI with Text Mining, and Computer Vision for Business Efficiency. The study program is finalized by conducting a master thesis organized as a research project ideally addressing challenges in the student's own workplace.
Erfaringsbasert master i anvendt informatikk