
Om studiet

Learn the Norwegian language and experience the nature, culture and adventure of Norway´s famous sights. We travel to Lofoten, Bergen, Ålesund, Trondheim, Kristiansand, Stavanger and more.

(Clip from full year course)

Our goal is for you to be able to speak and understand basic Norwegian. You will learn about Norwegian culture, history, geography and society through exhibitions and by travelling and experiencing Norway first hand. This year will be an adventure.

Norwegian adventure

  • Lofotfiske (deep water fishing in Northern Norway)
  • The Northern lights
  • Hurtigruta
  • Trips along the coastline, the fjords and in the mountains
  • Dogsleding
  • Snowboarding/Twin tip
  • Cross contry skiing and sleeping in lavvo
  • Snowcave

Norwegian culture

  • Famous Norwegian composers, writers and painters like ­Edvard Grieg, Henrik Ibsen and Edvard Munch
  • Exhibitions at The National Gallery, The Munch museum and more

Norwegian history and society

  • Maihaugen, Lillehammer
  • Norwegian history and Norwegian heroes like Fritjof Nansen, Roald Amundsen, Thor Heyerdal, Helge Ingstad and more
  • Norwegian government today
  • Democracy
  • Norwegian industry

Norwegian language

  • Oral language
  • Consert reading
  • Choir reading
  • Games
  • Practical tasks

Stu­dents in the Nor­we­gian course will have plenty of prac­tice when lear­ning the lan­guage, being sub­mer­ged in a «mini» Nor­we­gian society. They will inte­ract around the clock with other Nor­we­gian stu­dents. There are also many acti­vities wit­hin the school year plan­ned and held by the stu­dents.

Opptak til studiet

Folkehøgskolene starter opptaket 15. november hvert år.